How long to get my Steam Deck?
- October 7, 2022: Mark GetMyDeck deprecated
- August 28, 2022: Insert navigation, all-queue statistics page and some ui changes
- August 12, 2022: Last update date is now specific per queue. No more 0 progress on batchdays without new data on some queues
- August 7, 2022: Add increase data series to graph
- July 5, 2022: Switch to SSR docker build
- June 28, 2022: Added datepicker as alternative for less exact lookups
- June 26, 2022: Separated backend from frontend
- June 18, 2022: Moved results to separate page for results being shareable via link
- June 17, 2022: Added graph toggle to show all or last 8 data sets
- June 17, 2022: Added graph toggle to auto y-axis and full 100% view
- June 15, 2022: Added graph for past percentages; Limit data points to mondays and thursdays
- June 12, 2022: Added collection of historical data, persistence and presentation of past percentages
- May 31, 2022: Switched text response to be more understandable
- May 30, 2022: Updated to auto fetch data from deckbot google sheet
- May 30, 2022: Updated data from deckbot
- May 29, 2022: Added reservation timestamp from last order of your specific version of Steam Deck in form response
- May 26, 2022: Updated data from deckbot googlesheet
- Think about adding predictions
Created by Labidou51. If you have questions or comments feel free to reach out for me there.